Womb Alchemy series

journey to the depths of the magic of your womb to bring in new levels of flow, abundance and creativity into your life.  

You’ll be held in a sacred container, as you’re guided over 4 calls to connect with your womb more deeply than you thought possible, tapping into the creation energy that exists within you. You’ll be led through transformational clearings, activations, alignments and new understandings of your sacred space. This series will support you in tapping into the life-force energy that runs through you so you can harness this energy to alchemize your Highest Potential.



Class 1: Clearing the Gunk

We start off the Womb Alchemy Series by clearing & healing your space of creation. I’ll guide your through releasing on all levels, from physical to spiritual and throughout all genetic imprinting, societal programming, vow making, stored trauma, internal shame, past life interference and beyond.

Class 2: Connecting to Gaia’s Life Force

We’ll be guided deep into Mother Earth, Gaia, to connect with her energy of creation. We’ll activate with her Divine Feminine power to nourish our sacred spaces with grounded creative life force energy to align our body’s consciousness. 

Class 3: Aligning with the Cosmic Womb

We journey into the Temple of the Cosmic Womb to remember why we choose to incarnate in this timeline and specifically, in a woman’s body. We connect with our spirit and galactic support to assist us in merging our womb centers with the waters of the Cosmic Womb to activate our truest Divinity. 

Class 4: Harnessing Cosmic Creation Energy

We learn to play with the energy of Cosmic Creation, to learn how to alchemize, create, attract and infuse ourselves with this creative flow. We’ll be guided to fully surrender to the Divine Feminine flow and allow ourselves to be the vessels of creation for this Cosmic energy. 

Bonus Call: Live Q&A

A live call for you to bring any questions forward for you to understand, integrate and walk away with crystal clear clarity on your new levels of connection with your Womb. 

Calls are Thursdays at 1-2pm Eastern time. 2021 Dates:

  • Thursday Nov 11

  • Thursday Nov 18

  • Thursday Dec 2

  • Thursday Dec 9

  • Thursday Dec 16

All calls are recorded, with a link sent out afterwards, so if you can’t make the live calls, you won’t miss a thing!

Investment: $333 pay in full ($999 value) or

a payment plan of 3 payments of $123